Holistica Wellness Clinic

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Address: 120 Carlton St. (at Jarvis) Toronto Suite #413

Phone or text: 647-300-6562  

Or book online at Schedulicity.com

Massage Therapist (RMT)

Liz Neyedly is a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) who is skilled and experienced in Swedish Massage, Deep Tissue Massage, Shiatsu Therapy, Acupuncture and Reflexology. Over the years, her many clients have come to know that her treatments are very effective and a are a true holistic experience, as she tailors every treatment to individual needs. Liz incorporates the best and most effective techniques she has learned in her training and in her vast experience to suit your particular condition and goals. If you want to heal, or reduce pain, tension, stress or just relax, she will find what works best for you. More on Liz Neyedly RMT…

Registered Massage Therapy
Massage therapy Is a manipulation of the soft tissues of the body, especially the
muscles, but also connective tissue, tendons and joints, to gain a therapeutic response.
The aim is to help alleviate pain, treat disorders, reduce stress and tension.

Deep Tissue Massage
When people request this, they usually mean that they want deep pressure because they feel if the massage is too superficial, they will not get relief and results they want. It can also mean that the client is requesting work be done in a specific area where they feel they need a lot of focussed work to be done. At Holistica, we will use deep tissue, when requested by the client, or when needed.

With the insertion of very fine, disposable needles to specific points on the body, this
treatment encourages Chi Energy to flow more freely in the meridians (energy
channels) thus nourishing tissues and organs and establishes more balance in the
body, so the body can heal itself. Often, people turn to acupuncture when regular
medicine fails to help them with their condition. At Holistica, Liz Neyedly massage
therapist (RMT) does acupuncture and we also have Dave Surman, Licensed

Shiatsu Massage
This is a Japanese Massage, which literally means “finger pressure”. Clients can wear
loose, comfortable clothing for the treatment as no lotion or oil is used. Sustained, direct
pressure is applied to tension areas to encourage chi to flow and create better circulation
to the tissues.